Frequently Asked Questions

RailTest® Software and Apps

1. If I purchase the Windows™ edition through, can I use the iPad™ edition of the same product as well?

We ask you to purchase the iPad™ edition through the App Store™ additionally. Unfortunately we cannot give the second edition away for free because of the high development efforts we have to port the software to several platforms. Thank you for understanding!

2. How do I get my test results synchronized between the iPad™, the Android™ and the Windows™ edition?

Just sign on the apps with the same RailTest® username and password, then your results will be synchronized automatically. Please ensure that online connections are allowed in Settings menu of each app.

3. How are the diagrams for the individual tests to be understood?

The red points in the graph show your result in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, ... run of the respective test. The blue dots, on the other hand, show the average result of all users in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, ... run of this test. The upper bound of the blue area represents the upper quartile, i.e. the average result of the top 25% of all users; the lower bound the lower quartile, i.e. the average result of the worst 25% of all users of the RailTest software in this test. You can use this data to assess your performance.

4. Software does not run after clicking on to RailTest program icon.

This issue is usually related to Windows Defender or another antivirus tool used. Please check the settings of your antivirus tool and define an exception there for RailTest program, to ensure that it is not blocked by the antivirus tool.

Important: If Avast antivirus is used, RailTest program must be run outside of the sandbox. To do this, right-click the RailTest program icon and select "Always run outside of the sandbox".

If the problem persists, AVG/Avast must be uninstalled. Any other antivirus tool can be used instead.

Please also check the Windows Defender settings at Windows Control Panel, Security. Define an exclusion there for RailTest program. You may proceed like mentioned on the following page: